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Brian based learning

Proven Tools to Raise Student Intelligence

Catching Your Students Up?

That sounds like a line out of a comedy routine or science fiction! After all, not long ago, educators (just like you) believed IQ was fixed. They said, “You either got it or you don’t.” Times have changed, so it’s time for an update. Today we say, “Either you are a lifelong learner, or unfortunately, you’re just getting older.” Interested in teaching strategies that can raise IQ? If so, this is for you.


Here is this month’s insight. The intelligence of your students is malleable. In this issue let’s blow away that old “fixed IQ” myth. The evidence is overwhelming. Compelling research showed what researcher Harold Skeels documented in the early days of IQ research in orphanages. His experimental group in multiple published studies (Skeels, 1939, 1942, 1966) showed that increases in IQ were not just possible but replicable, lasting, and dramatic. Even in a 20 year follow-up, Skeels showed that his experimental group (originally labeled “unsuitable” for adoption), averaged a lasting 28 point average IQ increase.

By contrast, the control group (also labeled “suitable” for adoption) that received zero intervention, averaged a 26 point average loss in IQ in the orphanage. Multiple other education, lifestyle, work, and family results were notably better in Skeel’s intervention group. Skeel’s data showed what works: 1) a caring adult, 2) enriching activities to grow the brain, and 3) the growth mindset that “the lower the starting point, the higher the upside.”

Today, many teachers still have low expectations of their students, especially of those who are so-called “underperforming.” This includes students of color, those with disabilities, or emerging bilinguals who are consistently isolated, labeled, and left off the lists for advance placement, gifted, or college prep classes. You never want to be one that does that to kids. The biases may be stereotypical or teachers may simply lack awareness and tools to aim high for students. Let me re-state this another way. Many students miss out on the opportunities and the chance at a richer, more fulfilling life. That begins in the classroom, and it ends up hurting everybody.

You may already know that we have many ways to measure IQ. Two of them are: 1) fluid IQ (‘in the moment’) intelligence and 2) crystalized (‘gained over time from content and skills’) intelligence. Both are valuable and both can be raised.

Let’s unpack what the evidence tells us so you can be a more amazing educator. Why? It is likely this will be each student’s only chance, in their lifetime, to get gains like this.

The Research

First, did Harold Skeel’s research hold up over time, or did science overturn the mindset that one could raise IQ?

Let’s start with a massive sample. Across 142 effect sizes from 42 data sets (worldwide) involving over 600,000 participants, researchers did find consistent evidence for positive effects of education on cognitive abilities. We know today that simply attending school raises student IQ between 1 and 5 points per school year (Ritchie & Tucker-Drob, 2018). A Demark study showed a gain of 4.3 IQ points for each year in school with 7,389 students (Hegelund, et. al, 2020).

In a recent Norwegian study, the research included a period of mandatory school attendance (which added 3 years for high school), as well as inclusion for the ‘Flynn effect’ (that being that the world average IQ has gone up slowly over the last 50 years). This study found that each additional year of schooling raises IQ by a statistically significant 3.7 IQ points annually (Brinch & Galloway, 2012). Yes, IQ can change and for the better.

The older, strong hereditarian position has also been challenged for decades, especially with the role of socioeconomic status (SES) in the development of intelligence. It turns out that social inequality and social policies can have a profound effect on the heritability of educational attainment (hence, IQ) in the general population (Selita, Fatos & Yulia Kovas. (2019). In short, IQ is flexible and malleable (vs. fixed and permanent).

Now, you know; the supposedly “fixed” (or crystalized) IQ can be improved.

We have seen that one way to impact student intelligence is via school experiences. You have seen the evidence above that school (a social, physical, emotional, and academic context) appears to exhibit a broad, positive influence over time. Regardless of the known heritability for IQ (it does vary among populations), the message remains: keep kids connected with a caring adult and in school.

But there’s a second way to impact student intelligence. Also known as “fluid IQ,” it is flexible, requiring the use of ‘in the moment’ (vs. accumulated knowledge) smarts. The fluid IQ is known as Gf (generalized IQ that is fluid). It is a strong predictor of academic success, lifetime earnings, and other significant life outcomes (Deary, Strand, Smith & Fernandes, 2007).

Using Gf, multiple specific pathways show a raised IQ pathway through building executive function skills (memory, problem-solving, speed of processing, reasoning, creativity, managing inhibition, etc.). These skills show up on nearly every type of IQ test.

The best-known way (so far) to boost this kind of IQ is via executive function skills, memory, problem-solving, creativity, etc.). Let’s find out what researchers have done using a narrow, replicable path you can use in your classroom. In other words, “What is it that teachers (vs. whole schools) can do specifically to raise IQ?” There are several studies which show how to raise IQ through 1) the use of creative problem-solving and 2) working memory.

A large meta-study found that teaching divergent thinking as well as convergent thinking improved intelligence (Ma, Hsen-Hsing. 2009). Other studies have shown a link between creativity and increased gray matter (Jauk, 2015).

Another well-documented study had a relatively large sample size (nearly 300) of high-school age students. It lasted over three years, and used control group and experimental groups. The measurement included 28 measures of intelligence. It was based on random assignment of school classes both to the control and treatment groups.

The results? The experimental group showed a 10-15 point IQ increase. This is the equivalent to an effect size between 0.67 and 1.0 versus the control group (Stankov & Lee, 2020). In intelligence research where an IQ score of 15 points is equal to one full standard deviation, a 10-point boost is massive. What was the ‘secret sauce’? We’ll get to that in a moment.

First, Susan Jaeggi’s work showed that improving working memory may contribute to higher IQ (Buschkuehl & Jaeggi, 2010). Improvements in working memory capacity have been shown to explain at least half of variance in fluid intelligence across individuals (Kane, Hambrick & Conway, 2005). We now know that working memory capacity and fluid intelligence are strongly related constructs (Ackerman, Beier & Boyle, 2005).

Practical Applications

Now, let’s sort out what we have. IQ can be enhanced over the long haul and with specific skill training in school. Here is the critical understanding about memory skill-building in your students: Yes, memory skills can be improved. Invest 10-15 min./day, 3-5 days/wk. for 8-10 weeks. After that, use the skills learned in the classroom to keep them sharp. Where’s the content for this?

The ability to generalizable the acquired skills crucially depends on the diversity of contexts in which skills are acquired and practiced. In short, remember to use the class content as the material for the skill building and you’ll get solid results. Also, teach or train using either math/science symbols OR language arts symbols (e.g. alphabet, English language). Use a symbol system for 8-10 weeks, then a 2-4 week pause before engaging another symbol system. The two systems (numbers/letters) engage two very different pathways.

ACTION STEP: Where do you learn HOW to teach working memory? I’ve prepared a free tutorial you can view now. Go to: jensenlearning.com/workingmemory.

Secondly, you may recall the high school study above where IQ was raised 10-15 points above the control group. In this study, the ‘secret sauce’ was when students were given creative problem solving. The study mentioned earlier showed creativity training can also enhance IQ. At the high school, students were given nearly impossible problem-solving requiring divergent thinking.

One example of this thinking was, “The earth’s population is doubling quite fast. In what ways could we feed the world’s population using different means than we are using today?” Another example would be, “It’s possible that our moon may have valuable resources on it. How could you transport goods from the moon back to the earth without using rockets?”

A third example uses the prisoner dilemma model: “I was captured by a gang and their leader had my hands and legs tied up so that I could not move. They did not gag me up though, and I was able to use my mouth freely. The leader of the gang hung a piece of bread exactly five centimeters away from my mouth. He then laughed and said: “If you manage to eat this piece of bread, I’II set you free. He knew that I could get no help. Also, to ensure that I could not roll over or move closer to bread, they tied me to a tree. Nevertheless, I managed to free myself. How did I do it?”

Students in the experimental groups were asked to list as many ways as they could think of to solve each of the weekly problems. The acceptable solutions for the example above included blowing at the bread until it swung back towards the speaker’s mouth. It was collaborative, divergent problem-solving at its best. Researchers concluded that prolonged intensive training in creative problem-solving had led to substantial and positive effects on intelligence during late adolescence (ages 16–19). The data was conclusive, one hour a week, for two years, built a better brain.

ACTION STEP: Start by locating examples of problem-solving content that you can vary for your grade level. Then share them with other grade-level or subject level staff. You may also be able to find these in the gifted curriculum.

Now for my biggest fear. You have just heard me say, “Teach working memory or creative problem-solving.” The big question is, “Are you up for the challenge?” Or, do you still use the ‘time bias’? Many teachers would respond with, “I’m just too busy; I’ve got no time for changes to help my students soar like eagles.”

If you feel that way, I am sorry… I have failed you. I failed to activate your choice of playing the ‘long game.’ Biases are shortcuts to save time and are often about the ‘short game.’

You see, life goes by so fast that many would say, “Live in the moment, smell the roses, life is short.” And they’re right. Life is about savoring the smell of fragrant flowers, eating a great meal and enjoying hugs from friends and family.

But most everything in life that’s worth having over a lifetime requires the ‘long game’, too. At school, it includes building relationships and fostering cognitive capacity. At home, the list includes developing relationships, appreciating the daily blessings and saving for retirement. Choose right now; what have you decided on doing? Then begin today.

Ackerman PL, Beier ME, Boyle MO. (2005). Working memory and intelligence: the same or different constructs? Psychol Bull.131, 30–60.
Brinch CN, Galloway TA. (2012). Schooling in adolescence raises IQ scores. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109, 425-30.
Buschkuehl M, Jaeggi SM (2010). Improving intelligence: a literature review. Swiss Med Wkly. 140, 266-72.
Deary I. J., Strand S., Smith P., Fernandes C. (2007). Intelligense and educational achievement. Intelligence 35, 13–21.
Hegelund Emilie Rune, Grønkjær Marie, Osler Merete, Dammeyer Jesper, Flensborg-Madsen Trine, Mortensen Erik Lykke. (2020). The influence of educational attainment on intelligence. Intelligence. 78,101419.
Jauk E, Neubauer AC, Dunst B, Fink A, Benedek M. (2015). Gray matter correlates of creative potential: a latent variable voxel-based morphometry study. Neuroimage. 111, 312-20.
Kane, M. J., Hambrick, D. Z., and Conway, A. R. (2005). Working memory capacity and fluid intelligence are strongly related constructs: comment on Ackerman, Beier, and Boyle. Psychol. Bull. 131, 66–71.
Ma, Hsen-Hsing. (2009). The effect size of variables associated with creativity: A meta-analysis. Creativity Research Journal 21, 30–42.
Ritchie SJ, Tucker-Drob EM. (2018). How Much Does Education Improve Intelligence? A Meta-Analysis. Psychol Sci. 29, 1358-1369.
Selita, Fatos, and Yulia Kovas. (2019). Genes and Gini: What inequality means for heritability? Journal of Biosocial Science 51,18–47.
Skeels, H M & Dye, H B (1939) A study of the effects of differential stimulation on mentally retarded children Proceedings and Addresses of the American Association on Mental Deficiency 44(1), 114-136.
Skeels, H M (1942) A study of the effects of differential stimulation on mentally retarded children: a follow-up report American Journal of Mental Deficiency 46, 340-350.
Skeels, HM (1966) Adult status of children with contrasting early experience: a follow-up study. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 31, 1-65.
Stankov L, Lee J. (2020). We Can Boost IQ: Revisiting Kvashchev’s Experiment. J Intell. 8, 41.

Does Your Brain’s Inner Chatter Matter?

Having the ‘voice’ in your head is nearly universal. Maybe you just said to yourself, “What voice?” Yes, you have that voice. For some it is a never-ending inferno of misery and for others, it’s a daily friend and valued conscience. A quality inner voice can be a valuable asset in your life. It is literally the difference between the slippery path downhill or a solid, joyful life. Interested in knowing how to get the voice on your side? If so, maybe this month you’re willing to take a moment to find out how to run your own brain a bit better.

Read more

The 50-year drought is over!

Help Your Brain Make Better Decisions: Cognitive Skill Building for ALL of Us

We have all begun a new calendar year. For some, there is already stress and more of the same challenges from last year. But this post has answers for you. This is all about using something FREE to help your brain in the decision-making process. It works for you, your colleagues, your family and your students.

By the way, over a year’s time, what is it worth to you to make just ONE better decision a day? Read more

The Importance of the Impossible


For some, a new school year will start this month. If not, this message is just as important to you. I’ll address the importance of the “impossible” in your job, in students and in schools. This post is about impossibility, expectancy, student predictions, high goals and of course, the brain.

But first, I begin with a true story…

A few years ago, Diane and I hired a handyman to replace a cluster of smaller windows with a bigger window. We knew the bigger dining room window would help us enjoy the view more and we reconnected with a trusted guy (Martin) who had done work for us before. After he took out the old windows and prepped the area for the installation of the big new picture window, the main event was about to happen. Only one problem, though…the new window was going in on the second floor and it was too big to take through the house and up the stairs to the second floor. This meant the heavy 6’ x 6’ glass window had to be brought up on the outside. Read more

Teachers: Why You Should Stop Telling Kids to Pay Attention

Why You Should Stop Telling Kids to Pay Attention and What You Should Do Instead

I am embarrassed to say that I am as guilty as a convicted felon.

As a former middle school teacher, I often used the phrase, “Pay attention!” Now you hear me telling you to never, ever say that.

Why? It seems innocent enough.

Well, first of all, it’s terrible teaching. It’s NOT at all “brain-based teaching.” In fact, it’s one more example of why many kids learn to dislike school more, every year they go. First graders are so pumped up, but by the time some kids make it to their last year in school, they’ve learned that school is not for them. If we do not count the high school certificates and equivalencies, only 70% of our nation’s kids graduate overall. The rates for Hispanics, African-Americans and Native Americans are under 50% in most areas of the US.

If we do not count the high school certificates and equivalencies, only 70% of our nation’s kids graduate overall. The rates for Hispanics, African-Americans and Native Americans are under 50% in most areas of the US.

If you think you know brain-based teaching, there’s a lot to learn! But, now that I’ve “taken away” from you one of the most commonly used attention-getters (“Pay attention!’), what should you do instead?

I’m glad you asked… I just happen to have the answer…

The Research

You’re driving over to a friend’s house. But it’s the first time and you’re looking for street signs. You slow down to a crawl, turn down the music, stop talking, and stare at every sign. Why is that? Neither the music nor talking affects your vision. Or, do they?

YES! They all demand resources.

When kids pay attention, they focus better, learn and remember more.

First, paying attention protects the quality of working memory (Jie Huang, J. and Sekuler, R. (2010) and Zanto, T. and Gazzaley, A. (2009) This is critical because working memory is the DRIVER of cognition. WHAT? Here’s an example: try to remember yourself solving a problem at the same time you are asked to meet new people. Working memory and attention are co-factors in the learning process. And, both are teachable.

Second, the ability to pay attention is regulated by many factors. For example, there are sex differences in sustained attention, and they are task specific (Dittmar et al. 1993). Your frontal lobes are highly susceptible to stress (Galinsky et al. 1993), emotions (Dolcos, F. and McCarthy, G.), training and caffeine (Smith, et al. 2003). But the key thing is that attentional skills are not random. We can “train” our own brain through mindfulness practice, playing musical instruments, martial arts, reading, meditation and writing.

Finally, when we “pay” attention voluntarily, our brain is more likely to encode and remember the information (Kilgard, M., & Merzenich, M., 1998). Our goals direct our brain to activate acetylcholine (the neurotransmitter for formation of memory) via pathways such as the nucleus basalis. So, why stop telling kids to pay attention? Read more

Rewarding the Brain for Great Teaching

decison in brain-based learning

Kimberly, a veteran teacher, has to make a big decision at the end of this school year. She’s either going to “re-up” and stay another year, or quit her job and seek another teaching job elsewhere. I am going to describe her work in a minute. But go ahead and put yourself in her shoes and ask yourself, “What would you do?”

First of all, Kimberly’s (I have changed her name; this is a true story) classroom kids all come from poverty. Every one of them has home issues, some have disabilities and all of them were struggling every year in school until this year.

Yet, her students alone outscored ALL other students on district-wide assessments by more than 25% points on average and 100% of her students passed their state-mandated and school mandated exams. In short, she is an “over the top, amazing teacher.” Many would call her an “irreplaceable asset.”

She has spent her entire 15-year teaching career actively seeking out schools where the students need her most, and her current school is one of the lowest-performing schools in the area.

So, what is the big decision that Kimberly, an amazing teacher, has to make at the end of this school year? It’s simple; “Should I stick around this school another year or not?” Read more

Over Half of all Teachers Make These 2 Mistakes.

Brain based teacherWe could focus on all the “holiday” stuff (like how to help you “navigate the holidays without adding inches to your figure”), but it’s the school year and we turn to how to affect one of the “Big Four.”

The first mistake (over 50% of all teachers make) is selling yourself short. You have far more influence than you think. The “Big Four” in teaching are: effort, behavior, cognitive capacity and attitude. When you strengthen these four, your students improve dramatically. The good news is that every one of these is teachable.

I’ll illuminate just one way you can influence a student’s attitude. The second mistake (over 50% of all teachers make) is to talk about a student’s “attitude” as if it was a fixed entity. Attitude is NOT fixed. In fact, new research shows how much teachers can influence a student’s attitude. For example… Read more

Summer Teacher Workshops – The Deadline is Sunday, April 15th

Workshop EarlyBird Special

The clock is ticking. Poverty is not going away, testing is not going away and accountability is not going away.

Our summer sessions are filling up fast. Right now, the location with the most openings (so far) is Jacksonville, Florida. Book your staff for Jacksonville (or San Antonio and Charlotte) as soon as possible. In Jacksonville we are offering “Teaching with Poverty in Mind” or “Tools for Engagement”, but you’ll have to move fast.

WorkshopThe early bird discount expires on April 15… so don’t miss it!

May I suggest “Tools for Maximum Engagement”… CLICK HERE.

When I talk about student engagement, teacher’s heads typically nod up and down as if they universally agree how critical it is. Yet, when I go visit classes (elementary, secondary or college level) the actual % of students being engaged is typically low.

Listen, I can’t make you take a program. But I can tell you that once you take this summer’s special 2-Day “Tools for Maximum Engagement” workshop, you’ll have a lifetime of tools.

Every day, you’ll feel proud, knowing how well your students have learned. Each week, you’ll see happy students who enjoy the learning process. You’ll be admired by your peers and your students will look forward to every class. On top of that, your test scores will improve because kids who are engaged daily, learn more. Plus, every night, you’ll sleep well, knowing that your class is pretty awesome.

I never know if I’ll EVER do any particular workshop again or not. This summer could be your last chance, ever. Whether your school will pay for it or not, go do it. You can’t afford to be less than amazing in your job.

To find out more about this amazing 2-day summer experience CLICK HERE.

By the way, sometimes it makes better sense to have me come out to school and work with the entire staff. You may want to browse the menu of my presentation possibilities for your school CLICK HERE. I’ll show your staff exactly how to teach with the brain in mind.

One of the Brain’s “oops” Centers Identified

Brain center


Most people probably never wonder what occurs in their brain when they make a mistake; scientists, however, have diligently pursued the question. “Solving difficult, novel, or complex tasks, overcoming habitual responses, and correcting errors all require a high degree of cognitive control,” the study reports. Acting as the brain’s “mistake filters,” the frontal eye field and anterior cingulate cortex, it appears, critically impact our thoughts, actions, and errors.

The critical point here is that when we can actually see the errors we make, we learn to correct them more quickly.

Action Steps:

Rather than simply pointing out learners’ mistakes, help them identify where and how their logic became faulty. Remember, when we can see our mistakes, the frontal eye field-which houses our error correction and overriding faculties-is activated. Next guide learners through the correct steps, thus, reinforcing accurate methods.

Create a learning environment in which students feel comfortable and safe and smart despite the making of mistakes. Reassure students that mistakes are how we learn.

Allow sufficient “down time” for reflection and consolidation of facts, concepts, and skills.
Do you like travel? How about attending the HONG KONG BRAIN EXPO? Interested in going to China, starting with Hong Kong? There’s an amazing brain-based conference there in early February with Art Costa, Eric Jensen (me!) and the famous Dr. Daniel Amen. Check it out at http://www.brainandmindexpo.com

Yes,I’ve taken the plunge and have joined Twitter! Click here to check it out. It lets me get a feel for the issues educators are dealing with, as well as keeping up with the technology that impacts the classroom.

Creative Commons License photo credit: Mikey G Ottawa