Current Long-Term Jensen Learning Projects

Texas – Many schools around the state, from K-5 to Senior high are engaging Eric Jensen’s work on a long-term basis.

New Mexico – Apache Elementary, NM, Kennedy Middle School, NM, Polk Middle School, Atrisco Heritage, NM, Whittier Elementary, NM, Jefferson MS, EG Ross Elementary, NM 

Wisconsin – Jensen’s work is being shared through the great work from the CESA 6 Hope Center. Work is being done in equity building.

North Carolina – The Winston-Salem School district has been using Jensen’s work for several years and progress is happening dues to the good work of many staff.

Hong Kong – Two Jensen-trained educators are making big changes by raising standards, developing staff, helping the under-performing students and promoting certification for schools and their staff.

Note: There are many more long-term brain-based projects occurring in schools worldwide. If you would like to see your school’s project posted here, please email with your story.

Free Brain Based Learning Strategies for Teachers

“All participants from the 8 participating schools concluded that they have made a big difference in classroom teaching after joining the program, and the effect is positive.”
-R. Chan, Hong Kong

Long-Term Projects